Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Ship on the Yangtze River 对长江船舶万圣节派对

Halloween Ship on the Yangtze River
This video was taken while were on our way to and after we arrived to the Halloween Ship Party on the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang 长江). Christa is part of the committee of the ChongQing International Women's Group (IWG) with several other ladies in this city, and they secured a ship, made the invitations, promoted it, and got 400 people to want to pay and come to this event.  These events they hold are always benefitting the charitable causes this group also supports.  Pretty cool, and we had a great time and met some new people too. —


AHLG How cool! I love seeing the videos and seeing how much fun you're having. It's just awesome. Love you

LLC WOW! Decorating, planning and creating must be in your blood Cousin. Your MOM and DAD definitely rubbed off on you.

LLC YOU throw one HECK of a PARTY Christa!

SJ Wow.. I've got an influential mommy!

LLC Oh, and Grant - thanks for sharing with us you and yours awesome journey and experiences. Even though you all are so far away it is like we are all with you through your videos.

AHLG I saw 6 1/2 min. I love the videos, keep them coming!

NP Worked fine for me! Looks like crazy fun!

GWV How cool!

PAM That looks like it was so much fun!!! Thank you for sharing!!

The River Convergence Spot: Jialing and Yangtze Rivers 嘉陵江和长江

Our Family On The Yangtze River Near to Where the Halloween Cruise Ship Will Be © 2013

The ChongQing Rivers Convergence Spot: Jialing and Yangtze Rivers 嘉陵江和长江

Its Saturday morning in China, and we've got a big Halloween Party to go to tonight. Christa's gone teaching English. Emily and Jaylene are gone, went with Edurne Benevides (leader with ChongQing International Women's Group) to go decorate the Ship. Over 300 people are coming tonight (400 wanted to). Christa is going over after class to help with others to decorate and get it set up. Christa and I have got our PIRATE costumes. Emily=angel, Adam=Spidey, Audrey=witch, Jaylene=pikachu. We got all our costumes ordered on what a crazy day. Christa stayed up all night sewing Emmy's costume. I can't mitigate that. I'm with Adam and Audrey, and we'll go downtown to the Yangtze River ship later this afternoon and meet up with the others. Pics and Vids will follow  This should be a great activity, meet a lot of people too!! That's what its all about.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our First Chinese Wedding Reception We Attended! 我们的第一个中国人的婚宴,我们参加!YuZhong Peninsula Area in ChongQing

Christa was invited by her friend Olivia to bring our family to her wedding reception. They fed everyone dinner, had entertainment, and it was a great way to spend our Sunday afternoon meeting new people.  Enjoy the various pictures of the event!

The bride and groom. Olivia


JRT Ever a beautiful woman! Looking regal here.
RB She is so beautiful 
GWV Ahh! that's our Christa!
BJW Gorgeous picture of a sweet lady and you look so young.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I AM HIS DAUGHTER. Heavenly Father. 我是他的女儿。天父

My daughter Emily was listening to songs from the other day at home here in Chongqing, and I asked her what her favorite song was there... she said "I AM HIS DAUGHTER" and as I listened, I remembered it was one of my favorites there too. Kindred spirit stuff. SO I made this video to celebrate the truth of it, that she (and her sisters) are His daughter... These kind of things help keep our family ties strong because they reinforce the truth that we are an eternal family no matter how many miles separate us on the earth.  In this video are some of my favorite samples of videos that I have taken each of my daughters at one time or another in recent years.

Applicable book of Mormon scripture:

  • Helaman 10:7

    7 Behold, I give unto you power, that whatsoever ye shall seal on earthshall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; and thus shall ye have power among this people.


SRA Oh I loved this so much. Thanks for putting it together guys

GJ It was a group effort, getting ALL KINDS of suggestions from Emily and Christa, helping me remember clips from the past that would work with this wonderful song, Emily's favorite from Strength of Youth. So I made a vid with that song. I love that we are an eternal family...

SRA Me too

NP Love this!!

SJT Stop making me cry!!!! I am ridiculously emotional right now at 7 months pregnant! Ah who am I kidding it has nothing to do with being preggo, I always cry super fast when I feel the spirit. Or watch a sappy commercial.  ...or anything to do with kids & it makes me think of my own. This was just beautiful for being a thrown-together Hodge podge collection of video moments you've taken over the years dad. I love how you can slow down the video and zoom in, etc, it really adds so much.

SJT I actually held it together until the last second when I saw me with K flying the kite. Then the tears came. Thanks. Lol

DJ, GJ you are a genius, and we're sure missing your family. RRJ and I have very fond memories of our family fun together as young married couples. My how time has flown by, our kids are the jewels on our lives. They bring us youth and joy. YOU know how to put it into music and video better than anyone I know. wow  Love you Guys

CM I hate it when I can't find anything to criticize in your work.

TJT Amazing!!!! loves to you and the family!!!

KMW This is beautiful, Dad!! It made me cry as well. I love our family  I do have to say that one of my favorite parts was with N. One of the only scenes with her in it, and she was moving so much the camera couldn't even focus on her! lol

KJF Really very touching, and so well done!

NP Hahaha yeah...I must have been talking about something very important...

KSR I am overwhelmed with emotion. I feel so blessed to know your family and your example and strength has been my rock on many occasions as I look to your family, I know I can persevere in the hardest of times. I love you guys!

SJT KMW, I thought the same thing. I was cracking up (until I started crying at the end) because N, you are always talking like that! ...about very important things! Haha!!

TSB I love this! My cousins are all so beautiful. It made me feel close to them even though we are so very far away.

MP Great work, one of my favorite songs as well.

GJ at first this vid was going to be about Emily but the words "part of the bigger picture" kept ringing their spiritual truth, and so this daughter has sisters and a mom who are also daughters, and they all found their way into it.

RJ That was really neat Dad, thank you! Audrey is just the cutest ever! Boy I miss all my sisters and Mommy so much!

NP I miss everyone too Nae!! Someone make a darn teleporter already!

MJLH Oh GJ that was the most beautiful video of portraying the truth written in that song. I miss you all so very much. Thank you for bring us together again even if it was in a visual sense. I felt closer to you guys than I have since you have moved so far away. I love you and am thankful for your talents and abilities, that enables us to share these moments because of them.. love xoxo aunt N..

LLC bEautIFul!

DDB Love it!

CH You are so talented, GJ, and you have such a BEAUTIFUL family.

GJ We showed this to a new family we met and had them over for dinner this week, and "formally" introduce them to the rest of the family…

LJ Beautiful. Who is singing the song?

GJ  LJ that would be an artist from Utah who participated in the Strength of Youth music available on It is from the EFY 2010 "Courage to Stand" album, produced by Russ Dixon (who I really like the way he produces), and it was sung by Nicole Sheahan.
She is on Facebook:
Nicole Sheahan
Event and Publishing Coordinator at Refinement Records
Studied Media Music Studies at Brigham Young University
Lives in Provo, Utah

Now while she SINGS this, the artist who made up the song and the lyrics is STEPHANIE MABEY and the sheet music is here:

CS I needed to hear/see this today...coming off kidney stones and feeling a little blue...from far away you have reached me and lifted me. Thank You so much.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Audrey's Angry Birds Journal 奥黛丽的愤怒的小鸟杂志

One thing that we're doing over here is trying to write in our journals. Even the little kids are giving it a shot.  Here's my little daughter reading a part of her journal recently and I thought it was cute. My favorite part: "I have way to much sisters so i dont have any time to interduce their names because..."