Saturday, April 19, 2014

"IT'S A BIG WORLD OUT THERE" Hong Kong Beaches and Double Decker Buses

When we first arrived in Hong Kong we were ready to take care of business and get our tourist visas to go back to the mainland China. Our home was there. All of our things were there in the mainland. We had to get back in. But we had a little problem with our planning of this trip. What we did not realize is that down in Hong Kong they were celebrating A four day holiday weekend for Easter. So our plans to go to the Chinese consulate on Friday were foiled. Same with Monday.

So we decided to try to make the best of it and take a little vacation time. It also meant that our return flight tickets would be wasted and lost because there was no way we were going to be able to return on Tuesday. We also had to make new reservations at another hotel. A lot of expenses taking place but nothing we could do about it. So in this video and a few of the hundreds of pics we took, it documents just a little taste of what we experienced on the weekend traveling on the double-decker buses and going to one of the local beaches on the Hong Kong Island on the southeast side, and visiting Disneyland after the weekend was over. 

We also visited the Temple there of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We also went to church on Sunday and met so many wonderful people in that branch that meet together each Sunday on the main island in a nice building just across the street from the Chinese consulate in the central area. I can't say enough about the Saints in Hong Kong. They were wonderful people and I really enjoyed my visit there with my family. I would love to go back and see them again someday. One man that I met was Dastan from Togo Africa. He was a wonderful person.

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