Sunday, November 17, 2013

We Made the FRONT PAGE NEWS in ChongQing's Newspaper. Home School. 在重庆的报纸的头版新闻我们的家庭得到了. 在家上学

FRONT PAGE NEWS!! we made front page in the ChongQing Newspaper today. Topic is Home School, Music, and Family. If you know Chinese, read all about it!! It's also on the QQ (like twitter) and Weichat throughout China. This was apparently a big deal.

The fact that my wife was in the International Women's Group and met some ladies there, and the fact that she ends up telling them that she has 12 kids does not go lost on their memory of her.  Surely this was part of the reason that we were interviewed by the Newspaper reporter and their photographer came to the home. I was there too, on my lunch break.

 The city of Chongqing's newspaper did a story on our family's home school program this Sunday! It was very positive! We had a really nice reporter over here last week, a young lady, a reporter, who is very interested in our homeschool program and what we do as a family. She was also very interested in our upstairs creative studio. So here are some photos of the printed newspaper, the website, as well as China's biggest instant message or service, QQ and wei chat.

Here is the article in Chinese on various websites:

some of the comments on those Chinese web sites that ran (and still run) the story:
wulilian 2013-11-17 10:40
自由思想,随时体现。让孩子们回归到自然社会,不要去学校被洗脑。(Freedom of thought, ready to reflect. Let the children return to the natural community, do not go to school to be brainwashed.)
引用mandolo 2013-11-16 21:03
现在一个私人的三线城市的小学都要几万。(Now a private elementary school third-tier cities have tens of thousands.)

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