We have a son who is in the mission field right now. We write to him every week, and he faithfully writes to us and the rest of his family every week as well. His name is Kevan Johnson and he is in Nebraska. Currently he is serving near the winter quarters temple in Nebraska and sometimes works in the visitor center there too. But mostly he is out tracting or meeting with people and discussing his beliefs in an official capacity as a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. He is growing up and becoming more of a social and spiritual man. When he returns later this year to normal life after two years of service, he will have gained from his experiences a spiritual growth and confidence that will serve as a great foundation for him throughout the rest of his life. It will also make him a better husband when he becomes one. I say, if a young man can make it through serving with several different other young men of different personalities and different backgrounds etc. Then that man can do anything. He can learn to get along and roll with challenges, and when things become stressful he can remember how he became positive again. Positive mental attitude!
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My son Kevan with his Mission President's wife, Sister Weston. |
Letter (email) from Elder Kevan Andrew Johnson:
"Oh my Gash!!! Crazy times over here!
so, This last week was Transfer week ( the end of transfers), and it was nuts.
I'ts hard for me to accept, but Elder Scott has been transferred out of Glenwood! I was dreading the call on Thursday morning....hoping that it wouldn't come...but it did come, from president Weston! Scott is now training a new missionary out in the Kearney stake. He's basically out in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska. So on Thursday we cleaned, he packed, and then he said goodbye to as many people as he could. He has been here since Feb. I think... so, around 7 months! The whole time he's been out, he's served in G-wood! I could tell that it was hard for him to leave. I served in my first area for about 5 months, and it was hard then to leave! But, that's part of the missionary experience. Change. One of the hardest things that we deal with in life, especially me! haha!
But, I know that whatever comes, I don't have to worry too much as long as I'm pressing forward with a steadfastness in Christ! (2 nephi 31:20.....i think. or 33:20. ) I love that Scripture! Helaman 5:12 is a good one too! So much things in the scriptures give me hope for a better world. I'm thankful for the Book of Mormon and the Bible.
We taught Bailey last Saturday and yesterday. She came to church with Chelsey (Her brothers wife). We taught her about the law of tithing and fast offerings, and the law of the fast. It's really cool how everything seems to make sense to her. She said that if we don't meet 2 times a week that she feels like she's missing something, and that lead into a good conversation about the gospel, and how we can always have the Holy Ghost with us. Shelby might need some help. I think we are seeing them both tonight, and we'll see if Shelby has any concerns. I hope she can see the necessity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I'm a little shaken, and it might take me a little bit to get back on my feet, but other than that, all is well in Iowa! Love ya'll!
---Elder K to the J---
SRA good thing I checked facebook; I was about to try and upload the photos!
GWV He is growing up that young man
MRR More letters please. Love hearing from him!
LH Our daughter is in the Colorado Fort Collins mission, but is in Scottsbluff, Nebraska for now. Glad to hear he is doing well.