This show was fantastic! Performed by a professional acting crew while you eat dinner cooked in front of you... we had the best seat in the house, thanks to our good and gracious friends, the Weavers. The venue is in ChengDu China, which is a very large mega population city in western China, and it is "near" to the large city of ChongQing which has 32,000,000 people more or less. These two cities are connected by high speed train and a highways system for those who would drive the 300 km distance, or about 200 miles. By train, it is a 2 hour trip, and our family rode the train. We were going to Chengdu for the first time, and after being in China for 10 months now we had never yet left the city. But our little daughter Audrey, 8 years old, was going to be baptized and we were meeting up with a more formally organized branch of our church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in ChengDu where they have an official branch there with over 50 members. It was a great weekend, and we were treated to this dinner show by our friends who live in the City, the Weavers.

photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios
photo © 2014 grant johnson enoch studios